Member Baker inquires whether structural permits of any kind were issued. Rob Vani, Manager Inspections, Deputy Chief Building Official appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Heritage Alteration Permit for 2161 Riverside Drive – Exterior alterations to the Ross-Struthers House (Ward 2) and indicates that the permit was applied for in November after the initial work was completed. Mr. Vani adds that the building department did issue a compliance order in June.

Councillor Sleiman inquires whether administration has specific heritage related contractors that they would recommend. Ms. Tang indicates they have a list of contractors that have worked with Heritage properties before that they can provide to applicants; however, recommendations are not provided.

Councillor Sleiman requests clarification administration provides a brief explanation.

regarding the recommendations and Moved by: Councillor Holt Seconded by: Member Miller

Decision Number: DHSC 112

  1. THAT a Heritage Alteration Permit for installation of the glass railing balcony above the front enclosed porch of the Ross-Struthers House, 2161 Riverside Drive West, in Appendix B - September Council Report S 159/2019, BE GRANTED on condition that the Owner reconstruct designated heritage attributes as per attached drawings in Appendix B for building permit issuances; and,
  2. THAT further minor alterations to the request BE DELEGATED to the City Planner for final approval. Carried.

Report Number: S 229/2019

Clerk’s File: MBA/11185

Steve Vlachodimos

Deputy City Clerk/Senior Manager of Council Services

March 18, 2020