THAT the Heritage Alteration Permit for alterations proposed to the sculpted parapet with stucco coping along parapet edge above the front enclosed porch of the Ross-Struthers House, 2161 Riverside Drive West, BE REFUSED and the Owner be directed to reconstruct the designated heritage attributes to the satisfaction of the City Planner and Chief Building Official for heritage and building code compliances;

Executive Summary: N/A


This Mission Revival style property has been on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register since 2008. The current owners requested for heritage designation of the property which was designated by City Council through By-law No. 12-2012 on January 23, 2012. (The Statement of Significance from the Designation by-law is included as Appendix ‘C’.)


Photo of property at time of designation.

A report from a member of the public alerted City staff of changes that were undergoing at this individually designated property. Since then and over the past few months, there has been ongoing discussion between the owner, Planning and Building Department staff, and particularly the heritage planner about the renovations and repairs conducted and proposed for the property.


Photo of property in May 2019 (on left), June 2019 (Middle photo taken in June was supplied by a member of the public), and July 2019 (on right).