Council Report: S 229/2019
Subject: Heritage Alteration Permit for 2161 Riverside Drive - Exterior alterations to the Ross-Struthers House (Ward 2)
- Date to Council: December 9, 2019
- Author: Kristina Tang, MCIP, RPP
- Heritage Planner
- ktang@citywindsor.ca
- 519-255-6543 X 6179
- George Robinson, MCIP, RPP
- Planner II- Revitalization & Policy Initiatives
- 519-255-6543, ext. 6531
- GRobinson@citywindsor.ca
- Planning & Building Services
- Report Date: November 22, 2019
- Clerk’s File #: MBA/11185
To: Mayor and Members of City Council
- I. THAT a Heritage Alteration Permit be permitted for as-built alterations made to the raised sculpted parapet with stucco coping along parapet edge and aluminum railings, above the front enclosed porch of the Ross-Struthers House, 2161 Riverside Drive West, per Appendix A to this report, BE GRANTED; OR
- II. THAT a Heritage Alteration Permit for installation of the glass railing balcony above the front enclosed porch of the Ross-Struthers House, 2161 Riverside Drive West, in Appendix B - September Council Report S 159/2019, BE GRANTED on condition that the Owner reconstruct designated heritage attributes as per attached drawings in Appendix B for building permit issuances; OR
- III. THAT a Heritage Alteration Permit for installation of the aluminum railing balcony above the front enclosed porch of the Ross-Struthers House, 2161 Riverside Drive West, in Appendix B – September Council Report S 159/2019, BE GRANTED on condition that the Owner reconstruct designated heritage attributes as per attached drawings in Appendix B for building permit issuances; and,
- IV. THAT further minor alterations to the request BE DELEGATED to the City Planner for final approval; OR