Appendix A - 2019 Year-End Operating Budget Variance


For the 2019 fiscal year, the Planning & Building department realized a net surplus of $2,777 within the tax levy funded portion of their operating budget.

Salary Gapping: $207,971

Savings of $207,971 were realized due to significant staff turnover in various divisions.

User Fee Revenue: ($231,015)

A revenue shortfall of ($231,015) occurred due to a lower than expected volume of administrative fee revenue being realized in the area of property standards and bylaw enforcement fees. Staff were heavily involved with the follow up of issued warnings and orders regarding property standards as well as legal proceedings on existing files while still continuing proactive efforts.

Overtime: ($32,242)

Building Services staff worked extra hours in order to address the large influx of permit applications received as well as handling the transition to full digitalization of applications from the development community. Staff doing by-law related work (property standards and rental units) had also been working extra hours to help address the prevailing backlog.

Miscellaneous Expense Accounts: $58,063

A collective surplus in miscellaneous expense accounts of $58,063 was realized.

Summary of Description

  1. Salary Gapping
  2. Salary Gapping
  3. User Fee Revenue Overtime
  4. Miscellaneous Expense Accounts


Mitigating Steps

Administration continuously seeks out opportunities for efficiencies in carrying out its operations and controlling costs. The department also pursues new technologies to assist with better service delivery, while at the same time maintaining a balance of resources adequate to meet the demands and volume of customer activity. The Evolta project (digitizing of the permits process), currently being implemented, will aid in that regard.