Street residential development. The municipal addresses are 4088 and 4096 Sixth Concession Road.

The proposed appointment of R.C. Spencer Associates, Inc. as the Drainage Engineer by Council Resolution will satisfy the requirements of Section 8 of the Drainage Act.


Figure 1: Area for Consideration

Council Resolutions CR388/2007 and CR64/2015 confirm that the municipality would absorb all drain maintenance costs through the general tax levy, except for private access structures as authorized by the Province of Ontario through the City of Windsor Act, 1968. The private structures proposed for this location would not be funded through the general levy.

Risk Analysis:

There is moderate risk associated with this recommendation to the City.

In order to protect and consider the broader municipal interest, the Drainage Engineer is ordinarily selected by City Council independently of the proponent.

There are economies of scale available to the owner to cross-assign R.C. Spencer Associates Inc. as the general subdivision designer as well as the Drainage Engineer to facilitate development of these lots. The Corporation would benefit from these economies by not having to contribute to a potential share of drainage improvement costs under City Council’s current policy. This risk is mitigated by ensuring that the municipality reserves the right to carry out a third party review of the work.

Denial of the request would create significant risk to the property owner. The appointment of a Drainage Engineer is necessary for the owner to develop these properties.