Item No. 8.7

Council Report: C 33/2020
Subject: Appointment of Drainage Engineer - 5th Concession Drain
- Date to Council: May 4, 2020
- Author: Andrew Dowie Engineer III
- (519) 255-6257 ext. 6490
- Design and Development
- Report Date: 2/24/2020
- Clerk’s File #: SW2020
To: Mayor and Members of City Council
THAT the firm of R.C. Spencer Associates Inc. BE APPOINTED as Drainage Engineer to prepare a Drainage Report under Section 78 of the Drainage Act for improvements to the 5th Concession Drain.
Executive Summary:
The 5th Concession Drain follows the Sixth Concession road alignment northerly from Highway 401 towards Provincial Road. It changes from an open drain to an enclosed drain north of the intersection before its outlet into the City’s storm sewer system.
The property owner, 1670094 Ontario Limited, has submitted a Section 78 Request for Drainage Improvement for the driveway culverts on Lots 1 & 2 of the Rockport Subdivision fronting on Sixth Concession Road.
Preparation of the Engineer’s Report under the provisions of the Drainage Act allows for the implementation of any Drainage Improvements necessary to facilitate required improvements. The designation permits the trespassing of private property. The report will also address the needs for, and access for, future maintenance of the entire drain.
The Engineer’s Report would address the owner’s request to install two new driveway culverts and one access culvert for a future pedestrian pathway over the 5th Concession Drain along Sixth Concession Road. These properties are part of the new Rockport