iv. If the Contractor shall fail to commence and proceed diligently to execute any such work as aforesaid required by the Engineer within three (3) days of receipt of notice to do so from the Engineer or the Corporation, the Corporation shall be entitled to carry out such work by its own workers, or by other Contractors, and if such work is work which the Contractor should have carried out at the Contractor’s own cost, shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor the cost thereof, or may deduct the same from any monies due, or that may become due to the Contractor.



All material necessary for the proper completion of the Work, except that listed as being supplied by the Corporation, shall be supplied by the Contractor. The contract prices for the appropriate tender items shall be deemed to include full compensation for the supply of such Material.


i. All Material provided by the Contractor shall be new.

ii. Material supplied by the Contractor shall conform to the requirements of the Contract.

iii. As specified or as requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall make available for inspection or testing a sample of any Material to be provided by the Contractor.

iv. The Contractor shall obtain for the Engineer the right to enter upon the premises of the Material manufacturer or supplier to carry out such inspection, sampling and testing as specified or as requested by the Engineer.

v. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the sources of supply sufficiently in advance of the Material shipping dates to enable the Engineer to perform the required inspection, sampling and testing.

vi. The Corporation will not be responsible for any delays to the Contractor’s operations where the Contractor fails to give sufficient advance notice to the Engineer to enable the Engineer to carry out the required inspection, sampling and testing before the scheduled shipping dates.