Except for such work as may be required by the Engineer to maintain the Work in a safe and satisfactory condition, the Contractor shall not carry on operations under the Contract on Sundays or holidays without permission in writing from the Engineer.


i. The Contractor shall remove surplus materials, tools, debris, construction machinery and equipment not required for the performance of the remaining Work.

ii. The Work shall not be deemed to have reached Completion until the Contractor has removed surplus materials, tools, construction machinery, equipment and debris.


i. In these conditions, the expression “Period of Maintenance”, shall mean the period of maintenance named in the Tender, calculated from the date of the Notice of Completion of the Works issued by the Engineer in accordance with Clause 3.24 hereof, or in the event of more than one Notice having been issued by the Engineer under the said Clause, from the respective dates so notified; and in relation to the Period of Maintenance the expression “the Works” shall be construed accordingly. Unless otherwise specified, the Period of Maintenance shall be one year.

ii. To the intent that the Works shall, at or as soon as practicable after the expiration of the Period of Maintenance, be delivered up to the Corporation in as good and perfect condition, (fair wear and tear excepted) to the satisfaction of the Engineer, as that in which they were at the commencement of the Period of Maintenance, the Contractor shall execute all such work of repair, amendment, reconstruction, rectification and making good of defects, imperfections, shrinkages or other faults, as may be required of the Contractor in writing by the Engineer during the Period of Maintenance, or within fourteen (14) days after its expiration, as a result of an inspection made by, or on behalf of, the Engineer, prior to its expiration.

iii. All such work shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense if the necessity thereof shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, be due to the use of materials or workmanship not in accordance with the Contract, or to neglect or failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any obligations, expressed or implied on the Contractor’s part under the Contract.