operation to a point that additional or permanent signs are required for the general safety of pedestrians and/or the motoring public, the Contractor shall notify the Traffic Engineering Department. Also, at any time during or subsequent to construction, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Corporation’s Site Representative of any signs removed or damaged due to his operations, so that these signs may be repaired, replaced and erected immediately. The cost of repair or replacement of any signs, etc. damaged or removed by the Contractor shall be at the expense of the Contractor. Any and all stop signs removed must be reinstalled by the Contractor at the end of each working day should the road be opened for evening traffic.


The Contractor shall not side cast excavated material unless specifically authorized by the Engineer prior to construction. Excavated material shall be removed from the site immediately or stockpiled at a site/location approved by the Engineer.


The Contractor may be required to contact, in writing, the owners of property abutting the area where the work is to be constructed. Notices shall be delivered one week prior to the construction starting date in that area. This notice shall include notification of any necessary removal of rocks, trees, shrubs, etc. and the expected starting and completion date.


All fossils, artifacts and articles of value or antiquity and structures and other remains or things of geological or archaeological interest discovered on the Site, shall as between the Corporation and the Contractor, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Corporation; and the Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent his workers, or any other persons, from removing or damaging any such article or thing, and shall immediately upon discovery thereof, and before removal, acquaint the Engineer of such discovery, and carry out at the expense of the Corporation, the Engineer’s orders as to the disposal of the same.


The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Corporation from and against all claims and proceedings for, or on account of, infringements of any patent right, design, trade-mark or name or material used for, or in connection with, the Works or Temporary proceedings, damages, costs,