Any trees located on the south side of the drain that are larger than 200mm in diameter shall be flagged for assessment by the Engineer prior to their removal. The Contractor shall take precautions to prevent damage to any trees, shrubs, etc. that are designated to be protected and saved. The replacement and/or repairs of damaged trees shall be undertaken by a qualified person, approved by the Engineer.

All brush and trees removed by the Contractor shall be disposed of off-site by the Contractor. No brush shall be buried or burned unless otherwise specified. Any burning of brush shall be done in conformance with local and provincial rules and regulations governing the same.

Upon completion of the work, the contractor shall trim any broken limbs or branches from standing trees. The proper disposal of all brush and trees removed during the course of construction shall be to the satisfaction of the Drainage Superintendent and Engineer.

6.0 Excavation and Trucking of Excavated Material

OPSS Form 206 (MUNI) and Book II, Item 2.0 shall apply and govern except as amended or extended herein. The channel shall be excavated to within 50mm± of the design profile. The remainder of the channel cross-section shall be constructed to within 50mm± of the design section. Over-excavation of the drain bottom will be corrected using compacted site selected material as approved by the Engineer and at no cost to the Owner. Over-excavation of the drain bank beyond the specified tolerances shall require that the bank be repaired in accordance with a repair detail prepared by a Professional Engineer (retained by the Contractor). The repair detail shall be subject to review by the Engineer. The full cost of the repair, including the fees of the aforementioned Professional Engineer, shall be borne by the Contractor.

All excavated materials, in excess of those required for infilling of the existing drain, shall be disposed of off-site. The procurement of, and fees associated with, any and all approvals required prior to hauling and disposing of surplus materials off-site shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Any areas that are damaged by hauling or disposal operations shall be restored to original or better condition.

7.0 Fill Existing Drain

OPSS Forms 206 (MUNI) and Book II, Item 10.0 shall apply and govern except as amended or extended herein. The existing drain shall be filled to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings including grading, compaction and benching of the existing slopes. The soils used for filling shall be Class II soils (non-impacted) from the on-site excavation of the new channel. The fill shall be placed in lifts, as is required to achieve a uniform compaction of 95% Standard Proctor Density.