All referenced standards specifications shall govern the drainage improvement works. which shall also govern the drainage improvement works.

3.0 Alignment and Profile

The new Broadway Drain shall be constructed along the general alignment shown in the Plan and Profile Drawings (Drawing No. 14-043-03 and 14-043-04) and in a manner that avoids disturbance to the adjacent properties. The horizontal alignment throughout must be set to the satisfaction of the Drainage Superintendent and the Engineer.

Excavation must be made to the depth indicated by the invert elevations shown on the profile (see Drawing No. 14-043-03 and 14-043-04). The grade line shall be established in the field by the Contractor based on the bench marks provided or other suitable means approved by the Engineer.

4.0 List of Drawings

The following drawings are part of this Contract.

Sheet No. Description Drawing No.
1 Property Ownership Site Plan 14-043-01
2 Existing Conditions and Removals 14-043-02
3 Plan and Profile Sta. 0-015 to Sta. 0+330 14-043-03
4 Plan and Profile Sta. 0+330 to Sta. 0+668 14-043-04
5 Sections Sta. 0-010 to Sta. 0+280 14-043-05
6 Sections Sta. 0+300 to Sta. 0+660 14-043-06
7 Braced Channel Details 14-043-07
8 Culvert and Headwall Details 14-043-08
9 Restoration Plan Sta. 0-000 to Sta. 0+380 14-043-09
10 Restoration Plan Sta. 0-400 to Sta. 0+668 14-043-08
11 Habitat Feature Details 14-043-09

5.0 Clearing and Brushing

OPSS Form 201 and Book II, Item No.1 shall apply and govern except as amended or extended herein.The Contractor shall clear, remove and dispose of off-site all woody vegetation (i.e. trees, stumps, shrubs, brush, etc.) from within the working limits as is required to construct the new drain.

The Contractor shall salvage and stockpile all large tree stumps suitable for reuse as habitat features from Station 0+020 to 0+180. The Contractor shall note that a substantial portion of the drainage corridor has been cleared of trees and brush as part of the Perimeter Access Road (PAR) construction.