Gordie Howe International Bridge - Broadway and Healy Drains

August 2015

Note: The following Action Summaries pertain to the Action Summary Reference Nos. that are listed in “Schedule A – Summary of Commitments and Actions”.

AS1 – Risk Assessment Requirement

Previous assessments have established that the Broadway Drain is fish habitat. Therefore, any significant work along the drain needs to be assessed to determine if a harmful alteration, disruption, or destruction (HADD) of fish habitat will result. Implementation of the project will necessitate the completion of a Risk Assessment using DFO’s Risk Management Framework. Any permanent loss of habitat will require authorization under the Fisheries Act.

AS2 – Best Management Practices

The project is being designed with due regard to Best Management Practices. Construction contracts will require that the contractor employ measures to reduce the potential for spills, debris, materials and equipment from entering the watercourse. An Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plan will be developed and implemented to mitigate the potential for sediment-laden runoff to enter the watercourse from the construction zone. Removal of existing vegetation will be limited to the extent necessary for completing the required works. Excess excavated materials will be managed at a suitable distance from the channel. Desirable woody vegetation will be preserved along the drain corridor (to the maximum extent practical) in order to improve riparian vegetation conditions. All newly constructed surfaces and areas disturbed by the construction process will be promptly re-vegetated with desired ground cover seed mixes and erosion blankets, where appropriate. If necessary, an environmental inspector experienced with working around watercourses and waterbodies will be retained and made responsible for inspecting the erosion and sediment control features.

AS3 – Fish Protection, Salvage and Passage

Contract documents will prescribe the need to implement proper Fish Protection and Salvage measures in accordance with the provisions of the Fisheries Act. All in-water works will be constructed within the applicable timing windows, as identified by DFO and MNR. Any fish stranded within the work zones will be removed and relocated using appropriate techniques by a qualified fisheries biologist. Barriers to fish passage along flowing watercourses will be avoided. Any flow transfers required as part of the channel realignment works will be constructed during the appropriate instream work window. New channels and culverts will be designed to maintain fish passage.