Note: This is a non-mandatory Commentary Appendix intended to provide information to a designer, during the design stage of a contract, on the use of the OPS specification in a municipal contract. This appendix does not form part of the standard specification. Actions and considerations discussed in this appendix are for information purposes only and do not supersede an Owner’s design decisions and methodology.
The designer should specify the following in the Contract Documents:
- Installation and removal times for temporary erosion and sediment control measures. (805.07.01.06)
- Grading requirements for control measure removal. (805.07.16)
- Sediment removal measurement for payment. (805.09.01.06)
The designer should determine the need for barrier installation. The desirable slope grade is maximum 5%. (805.07.02 and 805.07.03)
The designer should determine the following and, if they are required, the requirements should be included in the Contract Documents:
- Sensitive environmental features. (805.07.01.03)
- The need for a specific light-duty sediment barrier. Where the light-duty sediment barrier is to be built using fibre rolls, the diameter of the fibre rolls to be used and whether and how they may be stacked vertically. (805.07.02)
- The type of seed mix to be applied to the upslope and downslope sides of fibre roll grade breaks. (805.07.02.03)
- The need for a specific heavy-duty sediment barrier. Where the heavy-duty sediment barrier is to be built using fibre rolls, the diameter of the fibre rolls to be used and whether and how they may be stacked vertically. (805.07.03)
- The need for wire backing for a heavy-duty silt fence barrier. (805.07.03.02)
- The need for fibre roll grade breaks and the number, diameter and spacing of fibre rolls required. (805.07.04)
- The need for a specific flow check dam, the number of flow check dams in series required and the spacing of the flow check dams. (805.07.05)
- The need for a sediment trap(s). When a sediment trap is to be constructed in a ditch the outside edge shall be sized to extend beyond the base of the ditch. (805.07.06) - The need for a slope drain(s). (805.07.07)
Identify the need for a diversion ditch(s). Design dimensions and direction of flow along contour of ground. Outlet details including scour protection and sediment control. The need for, type and number of flow check dam(s), and type of erosion control lining. (805.07.08)