Sediment that is accumulated by the temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed in a manner that avoids escape of the sediment to the downstream side of the control measure and avoids damage to the control measure. Sediment shall be removed to the level of the grade existing at the time the control measure was constructed and be according to the following:

a) For light-duty sediment barriers and flow check dams, accumulated sediment shall be removed once it reaches the lesser of the following:

b) For heavy-duty sediment barriers, sediment traps, and sediment traps for dewatering, accumulated sediment shall be removed once it reaches one-half the effective height or depth of the control measure.

c) For all control measures, accumulated sediment shall be removed as necessary to perform maintenance repairs.

d) Accumulated sediment shall be removed immediately prior to the removal of the control measure.



Control Measure Removal

Ditch, permanent slope, and any other embankment cover specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents to be placed within the area controlled by the temporary erosion and sediment control measure shall be in place and established prior to the removal of such control measure.

Temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed and associated excavations backfilled and compacted when the measures are no longer required.

Temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed in a manner that:

a) Prevents entry of equipment, other than hand-held equipment or boats, to any waterbody.

b) Prevents release of sediment and debris to any waterbody.

Prior to removal of the in-water control measures, the area enclosed by turbidity curtains and cofferdams shall be cleaned of all debris. For cofferdams, accumulated sediment shall be removed prior to removal of the sediment control measure.

Any seeding and mulching, temporary cover, sod, other surface application, or original turf cover disturbed by removal or backfilling of erosion and sediment control measures and removal of accumulated sediment, shall be brought to final grade and restored as specified in the Contract Documents.


Management of excess material shall be according to the Contract Documents.


Protection of Waterbodies and Waterbody Banks

Protection of waterbodies and waterbody banks shall be as specified in the Contract Documents.