d) The turbidity curtain shall be prepared for installation by furling and tying securely with furling ties every 1.5 m for the entire length of the curtain.

e) Anchor locations shall be established as necessary to maintain the turbidity curtain in place and functioning.

The sequence of installation shall be according to the following:

a) Tie-downs shall firmly anchor the turbidity curtain to the shoreline.

b) One end of the furled curtain shall be firmly attached to the upstream tie-down.

c) The furled curtain shall be launched and placed.

d) The other end of the furled curtain shall be attached to the downstream tie-down.

e) Each anchor shall be attached to the turbidity curtain load line with a mooring line.

f) Mooring buoys shall be attached to the mooring line at a distance of 1 m from the load line to keep the turbidity curtain in place at locations where it changes direction.

g) The furling ties shall be released to allow the turbidity curtain ballast to sink to its maximum depth.

h) The location and depth of the ballast shall be adjusted as necessary using the adjustment lines.

Equipment is permitted in the working area enclosed by the turbidity curtain.

Folds in the turbidity curtain that form next to the floatation collar shall be regularly monitored and cleared of collected sediment.

805.07.12 Cofferdams

Cofferdams shall be constructed as specified in the Contract Documents to:

a) Isolate the working area from the waterbody.

b) Prevent the release of sediment and debris into the surrounding waterbody.

Equipment is permitted in the working area enclosed by the cofferdam.

805.07.13 Monitoring

All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be monitored to ensure they are in effective working order. Monitoring shall be once a week, at minimum, prior to any forecast rain event and following any rain event.



All temporary erosion and sediment control measures constructed under this specification shall be maintained in an effective, functioning, stable condition.


Sediment Removal

The work shall consist of the removal and management of accumulated sediment.