Sandbags within each row shall be placed with the sides of the bags butted tightly against one another without gaps. The ends of sandbags in adjacent rows shall be butted tightly against one another without gaps.

When sandbag barriers are constructed on earth surfaces, the trench into which the sandbags are placed shall be backfilled around the sandbags to existing grade and compacted.

When sandbag barriers are to be constructed on sod, erosion control blanket, existing turf, or bedrock, they shall be placed so there are no gaps between the sandbags and the underlying surface.

Sandbag barriers shall be maintained with undamaged bags that are firmly seated.

805.07.04 Fibre Roll Grade Breaks

Fibre roll grade breaks shall be constructed as specified in the Contract Documents.

Fibre rolls shall be installed horizontally starting from the toe of the slope and working up to the top of the slope Any rills and gullies on the slope face shall be filled in as the fibre rolls are installed.

Fibre rolls shall be installed along the contour of the ground into trenches that have been excavated into the soil perpendicular to the slope face and width across the slope.

Fibre rolls shall be installed so that their base is in continuous contact with the underlying soil along their entire length without gaps and angled upslope at each end run in a “J” pattern. The ends of adjacent fibre roll segments shall be tightly butted up against each other and shall not be overlapped vertically or horizontally.

A metal bar shall be used to make pilot holes perpendicular to the slope face through the centre of the fibre rolls as specified in the Contract Documents. Pilot holes shall also be made at the ends of each fibre roll segment angled towards the next abutting fibre roll to hold adjacent rolls together.

Wooden stakes shall be driven into the pilot holes perpendicular to the slope face to secure the fibre rolls to the slope along their entire length. Additional stakes shall be driven into the fibre rolls along the downslope side at every grade change or if soils are very loose and uncompacted or the slope is steep.

Soil excavated from the trenches shall be placed along the upslope side of the fibre rolls and well compacted into the front of the trench to minimize possible undermining by runoff.

The soil on the upslope and downslope sides of the fibre rolls shall be seeded as specified in the Contract Documents.


Flow Check Dams - General

Flow check dams are straw bale flow check dams, fibre roll flow check dams, sandbag flow check dams, or rock flow check dams.

Flow check dams shall be constructed as specified in the Contract Documents such that the spillway level of the downstream flow check dam is the same as the base of the upstream flow check dam when they are specified in series. Flow check dams shall be constructed without gaps and without undermining to prevent sediment passage through, under, or around the flow check dam.

When the Flow Check Dams item is specified in the Contract Documents, any of the flow check dams or any combination of them may be used. When a specific flow check dam is specified in the Contract Documents, there shall be no option of substitution for the control measure.