the slope being protected. When a longer sediment barrier is required, another heavy-duty silt fence barrier shall be installed as specified in the Contract Documents.

The geotextile shall be attached firmly to the upstream side of the control measure support and the stakes. Stakes shall be spaced to ensure the geotextile and the control measure support remains vertical. Where the geotextile or the control measure support is joined to itself to provide a continuous run, the ends shall be overlapped a minimum of 500 mm and securely fastened to stakes using wire ties at the top of the geotextile or the control measure support only. The geotextile and control measure support shall be angled upslope at the ends of each run in a “J” pattern and so that the ends are at a higher elevation than the bottom of the run.

When geotextile is supplied without the control measure support or stakes attached, the control measure support shall be installed into the trench in the ground first, the geotextile shall be installed into the trench on the upslope side of the control measures support, the stakes shall be driven into the ground behind the geotextile and the control measure support, and the geotextile and control measure support shall be attached to the stakes using wire ties at the top of the geotextile and control measure support and only.

805.07.03.02 Heavy-Duty Wire-Backed Silt Fence Barriers

Heavy-duty wire-backed silt fence barriers shall be constructed as specified in the Contract Documents.

Heavy-duty wire-backed silt fence barriers shall not be used for perimeter control or property line delineation unless specified in the Contract Documents.

Heavy-duty wire-backed silt fence barriers shall be installed in a trench excavated along the contour of the ground such that the elevation of the bottom of the fence is the same along its entire length except at the ends. Heavy-duty wire-backed silt fence shall be installed without breaks or gaps along their entire length. Heavy-duty wire-backed silt fence barriers shall only be installed on flat ground with a minimum offset of 2 m from the toe of the slope being protected. When a longer sediment barrier is required, another heavy-duty wire-backed silt fence barrier shall be installed as specified in the Contract Documents.

The wire control measure support shall be installed into the trench in the ground. The geotextile shall be installed into the trench on the upslope side of the wire control measure support. T-posts shall be installed into the ground behind the geotextile and wire control measure support and spaced to ensure the geotextile and wire control measure support remain vertical. The geotextile and the wire control measure support shall be attached securely to the T-posts using wire ties at the top of the geotextile and wire control measure support only. Where the geotextile or the wire control measure support is joined to itself to provide a continuous run, the ends shall be overlapped a minimum of 500 mm and securely fastened to T-posts using wire ties at the top of the geotextile or wire control measure support only. The geotextile wire control measure support shall be angled upslope at the ends of each run in a “J” pattern and so that the ends are at a higher elevation than the bottom of the run.

805.07.03.03 Berm Barriers

Berm barriers shall be constructed and wrapped in geotextile or plastic sheeting as specified in the Contract Documents. The geotextile or plastic sheeting shall be secured to the ground.

805.07.03.04 Sandbag Barriers

Sandbags shall be securely tied at the top.

Sandbag barriers shall be constructed as specified in the Contract Documents