805.05.02.02 Silt Fence Geotextile

Geotextile for silt fence shall be according to OPSS 1860, Table 3.

Geotextile for silt fence may be separate from the stakes used to install it as a sediment barrier.

805.05.02.03 Berm Barrier and Rock Flow Check Dam Geotextile

Geotextile for berm barriers and rock flow check dams shall be a woven, Class II geotextile according to OPSS 1860. The filtration opening size (FOS) shall be no greater than 300 m.

805.05.02.04 Turbidity Curtain Geosynthetic

Turbidity curtain geosynthetics shall have a grab tensile strength of at least 990 N, meeting CAN/CGSB 148.1, No. 7.3 and be one of geotextile or geomembrane.

Geotextile shall be a woven material. The filtration opening size (FOS) shall be no greater than 300 m, meeting CAN/CGSB 148.1, No. 10.

Geomembrane shall be a low-permeability synthetic material or a geotextile impregnated with elastomeric spray.

805.05.02.05 Filter Bags

Geotextile for filter bags shall be non-woven, polypropylene, Class I according to Table 1 of OPSS 1860 unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents.


Plastic Sheeting

Plastic sheeting used to wrap berm barriers or other sediment control measures shall be 6 mm polyethylene of maximum available width.





Stakes shall be of sufficient strength and length to satisfy control measure installation, performance and maintenance requirements.


Control Measure Support

Control measure support for heavy-duty silt fence barrier shall be a separate product or one bonded to silt fence geotextile and be either plastic snow fence mesh, 0.81 mm diameter galvanized wire mesh or 1.63 mm diameter galvanized steel fence with a 5 cm by 10 cm weave and a 0.91 m height.

When a heavy-duty silt fence barrier is installed using a product manufactured with the control measure support bonded to the geotextile it shall be installed with the geotextile on the upstream side or front of the control measure support.

805.05.05.01 Posts

Posts to support heavy duty wire-backed silt fence barriers shall be metal T-posts. Metal ties shall be used to secure the silt fence to the metal T-posts.


Berm Barriers

Berm barriers shall be constructed using earth, sand, gravel, brush or compost.