Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB)

148.1 No 7.3-92 Methods of Testing Geosynthetics and Geomembranes - Grab Tensile Test for Geotextiles

148.1 No 10-94 Methods of Testing Geosynthetics - Geotextiles - Filtration Opening Size


For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions apply:

Diversion Ditch means a temporary channel to intercept and convey overland flow away from areas of disturbed or erodible soil and to minimize erosion of slopes from sheet flow.

Earth means as defined in OPSS 206.

Erosion means the physical removal or detachment of soil particles from an earth surface, followed by the transport of detached particles to another location by the action of a mobile agent including rain, flowing water, wind, equipment and vehicles.

Fibre Roll means an assembled or commercially available flexible, tubular structure that provides sediment control and may provide run-off filtration and includes wattles, filter socks and filter berms.

High Water Level means the highest point on the bank or floodplain of a waterbody where the water level reaches during high flow events or periods.

Riparian Vegetation means vegetation within 30 m of a waterbody.

Sediment means soil particles detached from an earth surface by erosion.

Waterbody means any permanent or intermittent, natural or constructed body of water including lakes, ponds, wetlands and watercourses, but does not include sewage works as defined in the Ontario Water Resources Act.

Waterbody Bank means the slope on or adjacent to a waterbody from the normal water level to the top of slope.

Watercourse means a stream, creek, river, or channel including ditches, in which the flow of water is permanent, intermittent, or temporary.

805.05 805.05.01


Straw and Straw Bales

Straw shall be either wheat or oat straw.

Straw bales shall be dry and firm, be tied tightly in at least two places, show no evidence of straw or tie decay, and be free of sediment. They shall be of agricultural, rectangular formation and dimensions, as specified in the Contract Documents.

805.05.02 805.05.02.01

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Geotextile shall be free of holes, tears, and punctures.