d) Written procedures that fully describe the sequence and timing of the work, the associated waterbody and fish habitat protection measures, and the related contingency measures associated with each stage of the temporary flow control.



185.07.01 CONSTRUCTION General Requirements

Continuous temporary flow control shall be provided to the keep the Working Area stable and well drained for the duration of construction in a waterbody.

185.07.02 Operational Constraints

Work shall be undertaken according to the timing constraints specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents.

185.07.03 Permit to Take Water

For any Work that includes temporary flow control requiring the taking of water, a permit to take water, under the appropriate category specified in Ontario Regulation 387/04 made under the Ontario Water Resources Act shall be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, unless specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents, prior to the installation of the temporary flow control.

185.07.04 Protection of Trees

Protection of trees not designated for removal shall be according to OPSS 801.

185.07.05 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures

The installation, maintenance, and removal of temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be according to OPSS 805.

185.07.06 Sediment Traps

Sediment traps shall be designed, constructed, and maintained according to OPSS 805.

185.07.07 Protection in Waterbodies and on Waterbody Banks

Protection in waterbodies and on waterbody banks shall be according to the Contract Documents.

185.07.08 Control of Water from Dewatering Operations

The control of water from dewatering operations shall be according to OPSS 518.

185.07.09 Seed and Cover

Seed and cover shall be according to OPSS 804.

185.07.10 Installation Installation of a Temporary Flow Control Outside of a Waterbody

As a minimum, temporary flow control outside of a waterbody shall be deployed according to the following sequential steps: