Plug means an impervious, natural, or constructed drainage work that blocks water.

Temporary Flow Control means a temporary flow control device in conjunction with a temporary water conveyance device that is used to isolate a Working Area from a waterbody.

Temporary Flow Control Device means a material or a group of materials that are used to control water flow into and out of a water conveyance device and can include a plug.

Temporary Waterbody Channel means the channel in which a waterbody is flowing at the completion of any temporary waterbody relocation sequence.

Temporary Water Conveyance Device means a device that is used to move water downstream, around or through a Working Area in a waterbody from a temporary flow control device and can include a temporary waterbody channel, a fill and culvert, or a pumping and piping system.

Waterbody means any permanent or intermittent, natural or constructed body of water including lakes, ponds, wetlands and watercourses, but does not include sewage works as defined in the Ontario Water Resources Act.

Watercourse means a stream, creek, river, or channel including ditches, in which the flow of water is permanent, intermittent, or temporary.



185.04.01 Design Requirements

Temporary flow control design shall be provided for Work to be undertaken in a waterbody, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents.

As a minimum, the temporary flow control shall be designed for the low flow event return period of the waterbody.

The elevation of the highest point of any temporary flow control device shall be a minimum of 0.30 m higher than the surface water elevations for the low flow event return period of the waterbody.

185.04.02 Submission Requirements Submission Requirements Working Drawings

Three sets of Working Drawings shall be submitted for information purposes only to the Contract Administrator for the work at each location, at least 2 Days prior to the commencement of the temporary flow control installation. Prior to making a submission, the seals and signatures of a design Engineer and a design-checking Engineer shall be affixed on the Working Drawings verifying that the drawings are consistent with the Contract Documents.

The following information shall be shown on the Working Drawings:

a) Plans, Elevations, and Details.

  1. Location and extent of the temporary flow control.
  2. Location and elevation of all elements that form the temporary flow control.
  1. Location and extent of the temporary flow control.
  2. Location and elevation of all elements that form the temporary flow control.

b) The design flow return period on which the design in based.

c) The number, type, and capacity of any pumps used in the temporary flow control.