- All stockpiled materials, including but not limited to excavated overburden and topsoil, excess materials, construction debris and containers shall be stored and stabilized in a manner that prevents them from entering any waterbody;
- All materials used to provide environmental protection shall not contain deleterious substances;
- Contractor shall develop a response plan that is to be implemented immediately in the event of a sediment release or spill of a deleterious substance and keep an emergency spill kit on site; and
- The Contract Administrator shall monitor construction activities in and around watercourses and ensure all related mitigation measures are properly installed and maintained, and are functioning effectively.
5.3.2 Requirements for Control of Water from Dewatering Operations
The control of water from dewatering operations is to be conducted in accordance with OPSS 518 (Appendix D) which includes:
- Dewatering operations from active work areas shall be directed to a sediment control device or natural attenuation area prior to discharge to watercourses, if a natural attenuation area is used, a minimum 30 m setback shall be maintained from the receiving watercourse;
- When temporary flow control must be undertaken for the work it shall be in accordance with OPSS 185 (Appendix
- E);
- If bypass pumping is required, flows downstream of the isolated work area shall be maintained at all times;
- When using a pump, the intake shall be controlled to prevent entry of fish and other aquatic wildlife (screen any water intakes or outlet pipes to prevent entrainment or impingement of fish as per DFO Freshwater Intake End-of-Pipe Fish Screen Guideline) and the Measures to Avoid Causing Harm to Fish and Fish Habitat as outlined on the DFO website; and
- When water is discharged to a watercourse, the water discharged shall be done in a manner that does not cause erosion or other damage to adjacent lands.
5.3.3 Requirements for Sediment and Erosion Control
Sediment and erosion controls are to be used for the duration of the work which include:
- Installation of effective erosion and sediment control measures before starting work to prevent downstream impacts;
- Design and implement erosion and sediment controls to contain/isolate the construction zone, manage site drainage/runoff and prevent erosion of exposed soils and migration of sediment to the waterbody, and ensure site is stabilized prior to removal following construction per OPSS 805 (Appendix F);
- All exposed soils or disturbed areas that drain into a waterbody shall be managed to prevent sediment migration immediately after exposure or upon completion of the Work in or around the waterbody or on the waterbody bank;
- Regular inspection and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures during the course of construction including repairs to erosion and sediment control measures if damage occurs;
- Removal of non-biodegradable erosion and sediment control materials once site is stabilized;
- Erosion and sedimentation control measures shall not be placed in watercourses unless otherwise specified in the Contract, or directed by the Contract Administrator; and
- A 200 m stand-by supply of prefabricated light duty silt fence barrier, in addition to silt fence barrier which may be specified elsewhere in the Contract, shall be maintained at the Contract site prior to commencement of grading operations and throughout the duration of the Contract.