Total Habitat Lost = 630 sq.mEstimated Length = 420 mEstimated Width = 1.5 m | Total Habitat Lost = 460 sq.mEstimated Length = 230 mEstimated Width = 2 m |
In order to protect fish and fish habitat, and ensure that the construction works are in compliance with all relevant legislation, the mitigation measures (measures to avoid causing harm to fish and fish habitat) as summarized below must be adhered to during construction. The sections that follow are provided for the information of the Contractor whose responsibility it is to ensure that all mitigations are implemented and work effectively for the duration of any works in or within the vicinity of any surface water features (drain, ditch attached to a watercourse, wetland, stream or river) found throughout or adjacent to the project limits to ensure that no serious harm comes to fish or fish habitat.
It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure all works associated with the Broadway Drain realignment or any other works associated with a surface water feature within or adjacent to the project limits are contained and isolated in a way that it prevents the release of any deleterious substances, including sediment. Any work at the outlet of the Broadway Drain and in the Detroit River will require isolation and containment to prevent the release of deleterious substances, including sediment, into the Detroit River or any adjacent aquatic habitats.
5.3.1 Requirements for Construction in Waterbodies and Waterbody Banks
Environmental protection for construction in waterbodies and waterbody banks shall be conducted in accordance with OPSS 182 (Appendix C) which includes:
- Design and implement isolation/containment plan to delineate temporary in-water work zones to allow work in the dry and maintain clean flow downstream/around the work zone at all times;
- Plan activities near water such that materials such as paint, primers, blasting abrasives, rust solvents, degreasers, grout, poured concrete or other chemicals do not enter the watercourse;
- Ensure that building material used in a watercourse has been handled and treated in a manner to prevent the release of leaching of substances into the water that may be deleterious to fish;
- The limit of any area to be disturbed shall be clearly marked prior to the commencement of work;
- Clearing of riparian vegetation in areas of the drain to be retained should only include vegetation that is critical to complete the work and no more than necessary;
- Capture any fish trapped within an isolated/enclosed area at the work site and safely relocate them to an appropriate location downstream of active works or to the Detroit River (must be completed by a qualified fisheries biologist). Fish may need to be relocated again, should flooding occur on the site;
- All equipment used for the work in and around waterbodies shall be free of excess fuel, lubricants, coolant and any other contaminants that could enter the waterbody;
- Vehicles and equipment shall not enter or be operated in waterbodies or on waterbody banks or in riparian vegetation areas unless permitted as part of the Broadway Drain realignment works;
- Vehicular and equipment maintenance and refueling shall be conducted a minimum of 30 m from waterbodies, waterbody banks and riparian vegetation areas, and shall be controlled to prevent any discharge of equipment fuels and fluids onto the ground or into waterbodies;