Pathways ofEffect Stressor (Potential Impact) Mitigation Measures Negative ResidualEffects
  instability and exposed soils. be stabilized with groundcover seed mix, erosion control blanket, vegetation plantings and rock treatment to prevent/minimize erosion.Stabilize and revegetate all disturbed flood plain areas.Design and implement temporary erosion and sediment control measures (e.g. silt fence, etc.) to minimize erosion of exposed soils during construction until site is stabilized. implementation of mitigation measures.
Grading (L2) Potential bank instability and exposed soils from grading of highway fill embankment, flood plain and channel realignments. The newly created channel of Broadway Drain, including banks, will be stabilized with groundcover seed mix, erosion control blanket, vegetation plantings and rock treatment to prevent/minimize erosion.Design and implement erosion and sediment controls to prevent erosion of exposed soils and migration of sediment to watercourse.Rehabilitation of exposed soils/surfaces (stabilize and re-vegetate).Store, handle and dispose of all excess fill materials in a manner that prevents their entry to the watercourses. No change/residual effects in erosion and sedimentation and downstream water quality with implementation of mitigation measures.
Changes to slopes and drainage (flood Rehabilitate exposed soil surfaces that drain to the No change/residual effects with