
4.3 Residual Effects

As noted above, Pathways of Effect (PoE) can be used to describe the proposed activities that are involved (land-based or water-based) and that may potentially impact fish and fish habitat. Each pathway presents an area where mitigation measures can be applied to reduce or eliminate a potential effect/stressor to the aquatic environment. When mitigation measures cannot be applied, or cannot fully address an effect, then the remaining negative effects are considered residual impacts.

Relevant PoE used for this assessment, including potential impacts and mitigation measures applicable to Broadway Drain, are identified and summarized in Table 3. This table also details the negative residual effects after the application of the identified mitigation, along with the rationale/determination of the overall scale of negative effect on fish/fish habitat.

Table 3. Aquatic Effects Assessment Summary.

Pathways ofEffect Stressor (Potential Impact) Mitigation Measures Negative ResidualEffects
Vegetation Clearing (L1) Clearing by use of industrial equipment resulting in alteration/loss of riparian vegetation (mostly herbaceous, < 30% woody species for Tributary) to allow for in-filling of the creeks. Design and install native woody riparian vegetation groundcover seed mixes to pre-construction conditions or better for the channel realignment at Broadway Drain. Temporary and short-term loss/reduction in food supply, shade/cover until revegetation of the new channel is fully functional.
Potential bank Newly created channels will No residual effects with