8.1 Earth-lined Channel Works

This component of the project consisted of the works described in Item b) of Section 6.7, including 555m of earth-lined channel.

Item Description

a) Clear and grub existing vegetation$125,911.80
b) Excavate drain to lines and grades$496,650.00
c) Place, grade and compact suitable soils to fill drain$10,061.31
d) Supply and place rock protection at outfalls$1,600.00
e) Construct rock lined slope at north side of drain outlet$12,705.69
f) Supply and pace rock sheeting along north slope$79,074.92
g) Supply and install ditch inlet catchbasin$4,500.00
h) Supply and install catchbasin lead$6,330.00

Earth-lined Channel Works Subtotal =


8.2 Steel Channel Works

This component of the project consisted of the works described in Item d) of Section 6.7, including 89m of SSP-lined channel, including the channel transition segments and the secondary protection wall and the pedestrian protection as depicted in the Drawings.

a) Supply and install secondary protection$22,194.00
b) Supply and install braced channel$1,071,383.00
c) Supply and place 1m think granular bed$63,142.56
d) Supply and install new steel sheet pile walls at transition$98,585.80
f) Supply and install chain link fence along pile cap$30,174.82

Steel Channel Works Subtotal = $ 1,285,480.18

8.3 Culvert Works

This component of the project consisted of the works described in Item e) of Section 6.7, which comprises the two culverts required to provide access to the City of Windsor and Windsor Port Authority properties on the south side of the drain.