Item No. 8.5


Council Report: C 50/2020

Subject: Update to Corporate Accounts Receivable Policy &

Accounts Receivable Collections Policy


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council APPROVE the updated Corporate Accounts Receivable Policy, attached as Appendix A to this report; and,

THAT City Council APPROVE the updated Accounts Receivable (AR) Collections Policy, attached as Appendix B to this report; and,

THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to amend the related Procedures and Forms as necessary, to facilitate compliance with the amended policy.

Executive Summary:


The attached Finance policies are existing policies that have been previously adopted by City Council. As part of the continued effort to improve financial controls and decrease risk, a review of each policy was undertaken, and administration has identified areas where practices can be streamlined for efficiency and language clarified to facilitate compliance.


Both policies have been updated and formatted to reflect organizational and position title changes and had language added or revised to ensure additional clarity for staff