City Administration has followed the requirements set in the Ontario Regulation 586/06 with respect to undertaking the local improvement work on California Avenue from Norfolk Street to Pulford Street. There have been no filed petitions against undertaking the local improvement.

It is Administrations intention to complete this local improvement work in conjunction with the storm sewer and pavement rehabilitation project on California Avenue / Pulford Street (Project ID 7184006). The local improvement work will be done by implementing local improvement policy PW.A1.05. This policy was approved under CR179/2005.

It is Administrations intention to complete this local improvement work in conjunction with the storm sewer and pavement rehabilitation project on California Avenue / Pulford Street (Project ID 7184006). The local improvement work will be done by implementing local improvement policy PW.A1.05. This policy was approved under CR179/2005.

The pavement rehabilitation project relating to this work will be funded through the

California Avenue / Pulford Street Sewer and Road Rehabilitation Project (Project ID

7184006). Project ID 7184006 is currently out for tender and is scheduled to close on

April 20th. Construction is anticipated to start at the end of June, 2020.


The total cost of storm sewer and pavement rehabilitation for the California Avenue / Pulford Street project is estimated to be $1,200,000.00. This amount includes the local improvement portion of the work which is estimated to be $18,969.98 (excluding HST), of which $17,135.32 would be recovered by the City from the homeowners.

Funding is available for both the local improvement component of the project through Project ID 7111012 – Local Improvement Program – Road Rehab and the sewer and road rehabilitation component through Project ID 7184006 – California/Pulford – Norfolk/Daytona. The estimated costs associated with the local improvement work of $18,969.98 will allocated to project 7111012, with the remaining costs being allocated to 7184006.

The estimated costs to the City and the abutting lots for the local improvement work only are outlined in attached Schedule ‘A’.


Associated risks to the Corporation resulting from the undertaking of this project include risks typical of a construction project, such as bodily injury, property damage, and matters arising from violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. These risks are to be transferred to the successful proponent, through the contract that the City and the successful bidder enter into. As part of the contract with the successful bidder, there will be sufficient insurances in place to cover the Corporation for the potential damage and claims that might arise from their work during or after construction in the maintenance period.