Item No. 8.2


Council Report: C 72/2020

Subject: A By-Law for the Construction of Curbs and Gutter and Boulevard Restoration on California Avenue from Norfolk Street to Pulford Street as a Local Improvement - Ward 1


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT Council ADOPT By-law ____/2020 for the construction of curbs and gutters and boulevard restoration on California Avenue from Norfolk Street to Pulford Street as a Local Improvement in accordance with Section 5 of Ontario Regulation 586/06, made under Municipal Act 2001.




Council Resolution 614/2018 approved the report of the City Engineer, which addressed the requirements of Section 6 of Ontario Regulation 586/06 with respect to the proposed construction of concrete curbs and gutters and boulevard restoration on California Avenue from Norfolk Street to Pulford Street as a local improvement work.

Notification letters, as required by section 6 of Ontario Regulation 586/06, were mailed in January, 2019, to the property owners liable for the special charges. The property owners had 30 days to submit a petition against undertaking the work. No petition against the local improvement work was received.