PAYG expenses were to continue to be funded from PAYG Leasing Reserve Fund 170 during this period.


In order to facilitate tracking throughout the year, Class code 18084 WPS-PAYG was created for eligible expenditures to be charged and tracked within the WPS operating fund for department 0192616 (WPS Computer & Tech Services). On an annual basis at year end, these amounts are then funded via a transfer from PAYG Leasing Reserve Fund 170. This is in full compliance with the original plan.

As relates to the annual PAYG Leasing Reserve Fund 170 transfer, WPS is utilizing the same process as the City’s Information Technology Department, more specifically it is compliant with:

Please refer to the Appendix 2- February 7, 2020 WPS report for more detailed information. This was approved via the attached February 27, 2020 WPS Board Resolution (Appendix 1).

Risk Analysis:

Please see Financial Matters section below and also the attached WPS Board Resolution and related report.

Financial Matters:

CR139/2015 approved the redirection of the annual contribution of $622,564 (excluding corporate radios) from the PAYG Leasing Reserve (Fund 170) to the WPS Equipment