Item No. 7.8


Council Report: CM 10/2020

Subject: Pay As You Go (PAYG) Transfer for Eligible 2019 Computer Equipment Related Expenses - Windsor Police Service (WPS) - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That in compliance with CR 139/2015, City Council RECEIVE for information this report confirming that an amount of $144,180.16 was transferred from the Pay As You Go (PAYG) Leasing Reserve Fund 170 to the Windsor Police Service operating account Dept. ID 0192616, Class Code 18084, for eligible 2019 computer, printer, phone system upgrades, server and network related expenses.

Executive Summary:



On July 20, 2015, City Council approved CR139/2015 as it relates to the annual Pay as You Go Reserve fund transfers for WPS:

“That Council APPROVE the Windsor Police Service to follow the same process as the City of Windsor Information Technology Department with respect to managing, tracking and reporting PAYG expenditures to City Council for the annual reserve fund transfer.”

Additionally, CR139/2015 also authorized the redirection of WPS’s annual contribution (excluding corporate radios) of $622,564 to go to the Windsor Police Equipment Replacement Reserve Fund 195 instead of the PAYG Leasing Reserve Fund 170 for the years 2015 to 2019 inclusive. In the year 2020, administration in consultation with WPS, is to determine a repayment schedule and normal contributions are to resume, in full consideration to the impacts to the budget and reserve projections. WPS’s eligible