Item No. 7.6

Council Report: C 41/2020
Subject: PC Maintenance/Support Transfer for 2019 Related Expenses - City Wide
- Date to Council: May 4, 2020
- Author: Earl Larking
- Deputy CIO/Manager of Technical Infrastructure
- 519-255-6100 ext. 6902
- Information Technology
- Report Date: March 5, 2020
- Clerk’s File #: SI2020
To: Mayor and Members of City Council
THAT City Council RECEIVE for information this report confirming that $813,832 was transferred from the PC Maintenance/Support Reserve Fund 177 to the operating account Dept Id. 0125413 (Product 5006) for eligible 2019 expenses related to supporting the corporate computer systems in compliance with the PC Maintenance and Support Reserve Fund plan adopted by City Council in 2005 (CR783/2005) and in compliance with the method of reporting as adopted by City Council in 2007 (CR52/2007).
Executive Summary:
Departments annually contribute to the PC Maintenance/Support reserve based on the number of personal computers (PC’s) and printers being used in each department. The purpose is:
a. To allocate a portion of the costs to support, network and secure the computers and printers across the Corporation.
b. To annualize the expenses related to the big-ticket upgrades when required in a corporate computing environment (e.g. operating systems, office suite, e-mail system, management systems).