Law Officers to enforce. The By-Law Officers do not currently operate as an emergency call-out service and would likely not have the capacity to do so.

The question before council as brought forward by Councillor Payne is one that aligns well with the City’s image as a forward thinking municipality in terms of animal welfare and protections. Administration is presenting council with three main options, as discussed above, in terms of dealing with animals in extreme weather and implementing such language into our by-law. Should Council determine to consider this matter further, a summary is below.

1. Implementing a 15-minute time limit on animals in an extreme weather event as defined by Environment Canada while also implementing the OSPCA’s suggested changes relative of animals in vehicles.

2. Implementing language requiring the animal to be supervised at all times when outdoors during an extreme weather event as defined by Environment Canada, or have access to appropriate shelter as deemed by the City Designate and allowing the Provincial Inspectors to enforce provincial legislation dealing with animals in vehicles.

3. Maintenance of the status quo and continuing to use existing legislation to enforce all animal welfare related incidents.

Law Officers to enforce. The By-Law Officers do not currently operate as an emergency call-out service and would likely not have the capacity to do so.

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