Transportation Planning VERTICAL CLEARANCE a minimum of 2.1m should be provided from the sidewalk or level of the street to any vertical obstruction.the closure
ACCESSIBILITY A ramp will be required to allow people using mobility devices go over the curb OR that the top of the patio be level with the top of the curb where pedestrians cross back and forth from the patio to the various municipalities
PARKLET LOCATION Closures should not be permitted on accessible or commercial loading parking spaces require
TCP A Traffic Plan in accordance to OTM Book 7 shall be required for the setup and take down of any structure or materials required for the patio area
OBJECT MARKER SIGNS Object marker signs (Wa‐33L or Wa‐33R) will be required in accordance to OTM Book 6 and are to be shown on the plan.a. The hazard marker sign must be added to the outside corner of the patio facing oncoming traffic.
BUFFER Provide a 0.3 metre buffer between the outer edge of the patio and the edge of the adjacent travel lanea. This offset value should be discussed among other department. Potential for increase up to 1m for 2 lane roadways?
Windsor Fire What are your concerns with emergency access An established Fire Route cannot be blocked, or altered and must remain contiguous to the original design