Traffic Operations □ Must be temporary fixtures and comply with all applicable safety standards and codes We do not want temporary fixtures mounted in the ROW or on the road. If businesses want to add lighting to their buildings, it must be full cut off and not be spot lighting onto patios where theglare is projected on the roadway.
□ Not have any power cables or lighting elements running on or over the pedestrian clearway No power cables across pedestrian areas.
□ Must avoid casting glare for people’s eyes as they pass by and on nearby properties The use of some LED string lighting around a patio may be allowed but as per above, no spot lights or fixtures inROW.
□ Not attached or affixed to street elements, trees or utilities No attachments to City owned infrastructure.
What type of barriers should be used? In general, if they are going to build into the road/parking lane, we feel that it is only safe to do so where there are bump outs on either end of the parkinglane. Where there are no bump outs and we are just taking over a shared parking/driving lane, I really don’t see this as being safe unless there are permanent barriers on either end.