Diversity/ Accessibility   4. Transportation Planning Comment ‐ A ramp will be required to allow people using mobility devices go over the curb OR that the top of the patio be level with the top of the curb where pedestrians cross back and forth from the patio to the sidewalk. a. Asphalt ramps could be a good option for this purpose. Wood or aluminum ramps with proper delineation and anti‐slip measures could also work. Other departments to further comment on this b. Decks to level the patio with the sidewalk seems the preferred alternative in various municipalities I. Accessibility Comment‐Prefer this option with a high contrast, slightly textured strip along the edge of the patio where it meets up with the sidewalk. This will assist low vision individuals)5. Be compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)6. Planning Comment ‐ Has there been a discussion regarding screening or using planter boxes as bollards? a. Accessibility Comment‐If planters are used it will be absolutely essential that they be a high contrast colour or they could be a hazard for low vision individuals. The ones in the pictures below are pretty but they blend in with the sidewalk and/or patio and could result in serious accidents for certain low vision individuals
Building Will building be reviewing the deck drawings for parklets to ensure building code compliance? If not, what requirements should ROW check for? We have followed up separately with both the AGCO and WECHU on a couple of related items (see attached emails). The Building Department will only be getting involved on these requests when a Building Permit is required (i.e. for a structure such as a open air deck) or if requested by the AGCO. Still feel free to reach out to Amanda or myself directly if you want to discuss a specific request with our Department. I would suggest sending such requests our way to take a look at and we can determine if a Building Permit will be required.