Risk Management What are the risks associated with parklets and detoured walkways? Please provide any additional comments to be included in the Risk Section of this Report. The risk of moving anything into a metred parking spot is that you have pedestrians in close proximity to vehicular traffic, which increases opportunity for collision. I believe that the OTM Book 7 sets out best practices for the types of barriers that need to be put in place. I think we would want to ensure the entire area is closed off from the road with a physical barrier, and ensure that we comply with best practice. We also need to make sure that the road surface is suitable for pedestrian traffic – so any potholes, lips between curb and road, and other hazards that are normally not an issue for vehicular traffic, now need to be suited for pedestrian traffic (more like the standard of a sidewalk surface). Lighting also needs to be considered, and whether these will only be set up during the day, or be semi‐ permanent (over night). They have to be obvious enough to passing traffic. Again, compliance with Book 7 is recommended. However, I’m not sure the extent book 7 contemplates a cafe in the road. If the patio area will be used at night, lighting for patrons is also a concern. ‐I think having something curb height would help reduce the risk of trips (ie. No curb differential, and no road surface issues).