most vulnerable to inherent safety risks.
  Businesses may serve liquor in curbside patios if they hold a valid liquor licence  
  Valid business licence required  
  COI required as per Sidewalk Cafe Handbook  
  No open flames permitted FIRE CONFIRMED
ADDED REQUIREMENTS Café Season from May 1st to Nov 1st (6 months) MODIFIED OPERATIONS REQUEST
Planning Could they follow the Sidewalk Café Handbook for railings? a. A minimum 42” railing height was suggested by per Barry Horrobin (Windsor Police) for safety concerns. From a safety standpoint, I do agree with Barry. 42" is guardrail height to prevent falls from a dangerously high distance. In this case, passing motorist are the danger and we do not want anyone to fall out to the street because the guard was lower than their center of gravity or they were sitting on it. Has there been a discussion regarding screening or using planter boxes as bollards?