PPE supplies when shortages are anticipated, for example if facilities have sufficient supplies now but are likely to run out soon, or if the City identifies a risk in the supply chain for a particular PPE, the City would have the authority to act in real time to mitigate such a risk. Crisis strategies, such as this can be considered as a proactive solution to combat the severe PPE shortages being identified and should be used to help stretch available supplies for the most critical needs. As PPE availability returns to normal and the COVID-19 pandemic is resolved, the City will promptly resume standard practices.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has created an environment whereby City of Windsor departments inclusive of Agencies, Boards and Commissions (ABCs) are requiring more cleaning supplies and PPE for staff. Additionally, some areas within the City and ABCs will require PPE in the form of infrastructure alterations (plexiglass dividers etc.). As we work to return to a more normal operating environment, with more staff and public entering our buildings, there will be an increased need for these types of supplies. Currently staff in many departments are reaching out to suppliers to secure their own product. This ad hoc approach results in the least cost effective and efficient method for the City.

Working together to develop strategies that identify and extend PPE supplies, will better position the City to efficiently roll out a phased approach towards a more normal operating environment. The outcome of this strategy should make PPE available when needed most. In addition to the procurement strategy, training of PPE use, including proper equipment procedures, shall be provided to all City staff that will be using such items.


Administration is developing and implementing a protocol for the centralization of the procurement of all supplies and equipment related to COVID-19 needs. This protocol will work to ensure the following:


Due to the ongoing COVID19 situation, to begin preparations for the Centralized Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Procurements, the Community Control Group’s Logistics Section Chief has established a Centralized Pandemic Procurement Committee (CPPC) to oversee the planning and execution of all COVID-19 related procurements for The Corporation of the City of Windsor, Windsor Police Service, YQG, Transit and any other Agency, Boards or Commissions that choose to opt-in to this process.

The protocol being developed will also include a communication plan which will