The completed PCP Study identified CSOs to the Detroit River as being a significant source of pollution and presented alternative CSO control strategies while establishing the preferred pollution control plan with the following four recommendations:

1. Increase pumping capacity at the CMH Woods Pumping Station (CMHWPS)

2. Provide additional primary treatment capacity at the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant (LRWRP) to treat wet weather flows.

3. Provide three satellite treatment facilities known as retention treatment basins (RTBs) along the Windsor riverfront east of CMHWPS.

4. Provide tunnel storage or possibly RTBs west of the CMHWPS.

Significant progress has been made since completion of the PCP Study. To date, three of the four recommendations have been implemented and in operation. The remaining fourth recommendation for tunnel storage or possibly RTBs west of the CMHWPS had yet to be studied.

The Detroit River is listed as one of 43 Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOC) because degraded water quality conditions have impaired certain beneficial uses. Control and treatment of CSO from the City of Windsor has been identified by the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup (DRCC) as an action the City can take as its contribution to the Detroit River Remedial Action Plan (RAP).

The City of Windsor recently passed its 2017 Environmental Master Plan (EMP). Goal B of the EMP is to be proactive in managing wastewater, stormwater and potable water to improve Windsor’s water quality.


Discussion: The City of Windsor, with funding assistance from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP) and from the Federal Government through the Great Lakes Sustainability Fund (GLSF), has initiated this Class EA as the next step in implementing the last remaining recommendation in the PCP study as well as address wet weather flow control at the LRWRP.

An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared for controlling combined sewer overflows (CSOs) along the Windsor waterfront between Caron Avenue and the LRWRP as well as wet weather control at the LRWRP. It presents the completed planning and decision-making process from the identification of the problem, through the selection of the preferred solution and evaluation of technical alternatives, to the recommendation of a specific design concept. The public and review agencies were consulted on several occasions during preparation of this ESR. Input from these sources has been incorporated in the body of the ESR.

Risk Analysis:

N/A - There is no risk associated with an Information Report