MMAH will undertake the following activities:
- Program design, funding and accountability, in partnership with CMHC;
- Adjustment of the CMHC AMRs as appropriate, and determine the AMR for areas where data is not available;
- Flow eligible administration cost funding and funds for first and last months' rent directly to Service Managers; and
- Arranging from ServiceOntario a program call centre to respond to enquiries.
Service Managers will undertake the following activities:
- Selecting households that may be eligible for program participation and distributing application forms to interested households;
- Ensuring interested households have been informed of benefits and risks of the COHB program;
- Ensuring interested households have consented to the disclosure of their personal information to the CRA, MMAH, and MOF;
- Completing the "Service Manager Use Only" section of the application form;
- Collecting and sending completed application forms to MOF for processing;
- Collecting required information on intake, and submitting required reports and claims to MMAH;
- Providing first and last months' rent payments to eligible households (to be reimbursed by MMAH, as appropriate;
- Submitting quarterly payment claims to MMAH;
- Notifying MOF of certain events, including a household's acceptance of an offer of RGI housing or similar type of housing assistance; and
- Completion and distribution of T5007 tax slips to households to report first and last months' rent payments for income tax purposes.
MOF will undertake the following activities:
- Distribution of application forms to Service Managers for distribution to eligible households;
- Processing applications including income verification of applicants;
- Determining eligibility for the benefit;
- Calculating benefit amounts;
- Making payments directly to eligible households (or to a third party if directed by the household);
- Reassessing eligibility and benefit amounts annually;
- Completing in-year reviews [when requested by households], in partnership with MMAH;
- Providing monthly reports to MMAH on participation rates and funding expensed;
- Completion and distribution of T5007s tax slips to households to report the benefit for income tax purposes; and
- Respond to enquiries from participating households, as referred from ServiceOntario.
ServiceOntario will undertake the following activity:
- Operate the Information Centre to respond to program enquiries and receive account changes from participating households.