Notice of Eligibility

If the applicant is determined eligible for the WEHB, they will be informed in writing that they are eligible, including:

• The date of the first payment

• The amount of the first payment and its method of calculation (see Calculation of WEHB below)

• The impact of the WEHB on Ontario Works or ODSP, if applicable

• The method that will be used to calculate the WEHB at the time of annual review or in the event of a decrease in income (see Eligibility Reviews below).

Notice of Conditional Eligibility

If the applicant is determined conditionally eligible for the WEHB because they are not yet a resident in the Windsor Essex service area, they will be informed in writing that they are eligible and:

• They will not receive the WEHB until they move into the Windsor Essex service area.

• They have 30 days to provide proof of a new address in the Windsor Essex service area or the WEHB offer will be rescinded

• They will be informed in writing as to the amount of the first payment, if known

• The impact of the WEHB on the Ontario Works or ODSP shelter allowance, if applicable, including their shelter allowance once they move.

Applicants who fail to secure an address within 30 days will be determined ineligible for the WEHB.

Notice of Ineligibility

If an applicant is determined ineligible for the WEHB, they will be notified in writing. This notification will include the reason for ineligibility and will indicate the applicants right to file a Request for Review.

Calculation of WEHB

Calculation for Non-Social Assistance Recipients

The WEHB is calculated based on the following formula: