June 1, 2020 Item 8.10 Written Submission

To: Mayor and Members of City Council

I apologize for the late submission, but I was not notified in time to submit for the May 11th meeting. Please accept my submission as to why I want to close and purchase my portion of the alley at 777 Vimy. I am only asking to close the east section of the alley and these are my reasons why. I am looking forward to enjoying my retirement years with my children and grandchildren and it would be nice to have a larger back yard as my yard is the smallest yard on Vimy between Marentette and Louis. I have also considered creating a driveway as I have to use street parking because my driveway is only half a driveway and my car will block the sidewalk. The other houses on my block all have driveways. Alleys are well known to attract more pests and vermin and I have had to deal with rats, possum, skunks, snakes, etc. making it impossible for me to enjoy my back yard after sunset or early morning. It is also well known that alleys promote loitering and opportunities for criminal behaviour. I live by myself and I am not comfortable with the alley behind me, I am constantly looking out my back window, scared. I have had things stolen from my shed and yard. The alley serves no purpose. Only one person uses it and that person has alternatives which I will discuss further.

According to the City of Windsor Planning and Building Department, alleys are technically known as public right-of-ways, on which no buildings or fences are allowed. The alley in question is owned by the City of Windsor including the west end of the alley that is blocked by a fence and a tree. Property owners abutting alleys have a responsibility to maintain their portion of the alley but it is illegal to take the land for their own use. If the city is supporting this illegal activity then I should just plant a tree and put up a fence and then say I own it. But someone said to me recently 2 wrongs don't make a right so I am asking the city to make this right and unblock the west end of the alley.

Further to the City of Windsor Planning and Building Department, "If someone has a garage or driveway at the back of their property and requires access from the alley, usually, the alley may not be closed at that point unless the affected owner agrees. Often the Committee will consider closing only a portion of the alley which means the owner who needs access will not be landlocked." The west end of the alley is the nearest point to Mr Potvin's driveway, therefore it is the west end of the alley that cannot be closed or blocked and has nothing to do with the east end of the alley. I have been told by the neighbours that have lived there a long time that it is Mr Potvin who blocked off his alley access years ago so he could park cars that he was working on in the alley for his car repair business. Mrs Potvin told the neighbours it was city approved. He has been using the whole alley for his own use, and I might add at no cost or repercussions...this has to stop. It is not right that one person controls the whole block and is the only one enjoying the benefits of the alley, thats why we have rules and by-laws. There are alternatives for Mr Potvin: if he maintains the alley between Vimy and Ypres like he maintains my alley then he could easily use that alley to access his garage. Mr Potvin could also clear his rear yard and extend his driveway to reach his garage. But the right choice here is to open the west end that should have never been allowed to be blocked when it was.

Most of the alleys in this neighboughhood have been closed, some using the alley closure grant program that was in place but has now been discontinued. purchase the east end of the alley. I understand Mr Potvin would like access to his garage, and as such, if the city will allow me, I am willing to cover the cost to remove the tree at the west end of the alley. Mr Potvin will have access to his garage and will have no further need of the east end. All parties should be happy with no expense to the city. I then ask that the city approve my application for closure of the east end of the alley as outlined. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Sincerely, Kay Meagher, 777 Vimy Ave, Windsor, ON N8W 1M8