June 1, 2020 Item 8.7 Written Submission

From: BORYS SOZANSKI Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 10:34 AM To: Toldo, Beth Subject: Re: 1035 CALIFORNIA AV. REZONING

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Subject: 1035 CALIFORNIA AV.

Good Afternoon Your Worship and City Council,

My name is Borys Sozanski.

My development application was heard on May 11th, 2020 at the Development and Heritage Standing Committee.

Due to technical issues, I was unsuccessful in connecting directly to the Zoom DHSC meeting to participate in the meeting.

All the committee members voted in favour of the development 7-0 on the basis of a motion by Councillor Holt to approve the development subject to a friendly amendment to not allow front yard parking.

However, the friendly amendment not to allow parking in the front as proposed is very concerning.

The 5 parking as proposed in the rear meets the minimum number of parking spots required.

However, I believe that providing more parking spaces than the minimum required is good planning and reduces the on street parking need in the immediate area.

The property already has 2 parking spots on the front northern side of the property. There is a proper curb cut access and the 2 parking spaces are used by the current tenants. The current 2 parking spots will not reduce the on street parking capacity.

It is an additional cost for the development. However, it reduces the demand and stress for on street parking. The additional 2 spaces will provide the tenants with parking for visitors, thus reducing the need for on street parking.