Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log

Meeting Date Motion/
CLT Member/
Executive Director
Action Status
July 22, 2019 CR379/2019 C 137/2019 City Solicitor That Administration BE REQUESTED to report back on the concept of
renaming the Windsor Bicycling Committee (WBC) to the Active
Transportation Committee including information on a new mandate and
terms of reference to reflect the change.
August 26, 2019 CR413/2019 S 128/2019 Senior Manager of Traffic
Operations & Parking
That the report of the Supervisor of Parking Enforcement dated July 8,
2019 entitled “Parking By-law # 9023 amendment to Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating and Public Utility Exemption- City Wide” BE REFERRED back to
administration to meet with the proponents and consider some of the
concerns that the residents have had and PROVIDE some
recommendations for safeguards and also consider permitting the trucks
that are on call to park on municipal properties.
August 26, 2019 CR424/2019 S 129/2019 Senior Manager Asset
That City Council RECEIVE and APPROVE the attached Asset
Management Plan for the City of Windsor in compliance with Ontario
Regulation 588/17 – Asset Management Planning for Municipal `; and
That the report of the Manager of Asset Planning dated July 8, 2019
entitled “Corporate Asset Management Plan” BE DEFERRED to the 2020
Budget Deliberations to allow Council to consider the additional
recommendations in the report.
October 7, 2019 CR495/2019
Clause 6
C 162/2019 City Engineer 1 – That Council AUTHORIZE administration to negotiate a Municipal
Sewer Access Agreement between the City of Windsor and Noventa
Energy Partners Ltd. for the purpose of connecting to the City’s sanitary
sewer trunk line at a designated location along Riverside Drive, satisfactory
in form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to the City Engineer, and in
financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer; and...
6 – That Council DIRECT administration to report back detailing the
outcome of the negotiated agreements and other related matters contained
in this report.