Meeting Date Motion/
CLT Member/
Executive Director
Action Status
July 8, 2019 CR347/2019 SCM 190/2019 &
S 79/2019
Executive Director of
Employment & Social
...That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to
execute any agreements, documents and forms required to establish and
participate as a Prototype, Service System Manager and/or Direct Delivery
Agent, such that any funding does not create an additional annualized City
cost without the prior approval of City Council. Authorization would be
subject to approval as to legal content by the City Solicitor, as to financial
content by the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer or designate, and
as to technical content by the Community Development and Health
Services Commissioner and the Executive Director of Employment &
Social Services; and further,
That Administration BE DIRECTED to provide appropriate reports and
updates to City Council regarding the Ontario Works – Employment
Ontario Transformation as information becomes available.
July 22, 2019 CR385/2019 C 132/2019 City Engineer … VII. That City Council PRE-APPROVE and AWARD any procurement(s)
necessary That are related to the Tecumseh Road storm water study, the
design of Banwell Road from Tecumseh Road East to Mulberry Road and
the reconstruction of Banwell Road from Tecumseh Road East to Palmetto
Street provided That the procurement(s) are within approved budget
amounts, pursuant to the Purchasing By-Law 93-2012, and amendment
thereto, satisfactory in financial content to the City Treasurer, and in
technical content to the City Engineer; and
VIII. That the results from the RFP and tender processes BE REPORTED
to Council.
July 22, 2019 CR378/2019 C 137/2019 City Solicitor ...II. That Council APPROVE the key principles around implementation of
the Active Transportation Master Plan; and,
III. That the implementation plan for the Active Transportation Master Plan
BE REFERRED to the 2020 budget for Council’s consideration;
IV. That administration REPORT BACK to Council during the 2020 budget
deliberations with a policy/framework with respect to sponsorship to bring
in additional revenues to fund some of the elements outlined in the report
specifically paths and trails, current or new.