
  Sprint #7: Pitching the Project 

  Session 7A   

Assemble your Pitch Package  This session covers the anatomy of a pitch package as one might present to the bank or an equity  partner. It provides all the ingredients necessary to put project partners at ease and present yourself  with confidence and clarity. session will be recorded so that participants can review it at  ​This whatever pace or repetition that makes it click.   

  Zoom Session 7B 

Telling the Story of Your Project - Feed Them What They Eat  This session covers how to communicate your project effectively to different audiences. Faculty talk  about the importance of empathy and the “If I could, would you?” approach. They discuss what  investors and lenders need to hear, what neighbours are often most scared of, what the City needs  to know, and more.   

Live Work Session - Just Get Started  At this time, participants will be working live to fill out their draft pitch package in a collaborative  Google Doc. Faculty will be available online to answer questions and provide encouragement. The  purpose of this exercise is to simply get over the hurdle of starting.  

Sprint Homework:

● Assemble site plans, building program, pro forma etc. into a collaborative Google Doc template

  Zoom Session 7C   

Pitch Presentations This session provides participants with the opportunity to present their project to a supportive audience of peers and receive faculty feedback.

Sprint #8: Reflections for the City 

  Zoom Session 8   

  The final sprint of this custom Boot Camp involves summarizing what we learned for the City. Any  takeaways about the challenges and opportunities of small-development in the Windsor context will  be presented for discussion and reflection.