
Sprint #1: Determine Buildable Area

[In Advance] Acquire appropriate maps from the City to establish property lines and site information on cohort projects. Acquire applicable zoning documents from the City as well.

Zoom Session 1A

Overview to Course Structure Introduction session will walk through the whole Boot Camp program and the outcomes we're looking to achieve at each step.

Participant Introductions Each participant takes a few minutes to introduce themselves, their own goals in small development, and how many units they are looking to build / rehab in which neighborhood.

Reading Zoning and Devising Buildings + Q&A Using the Windsor zoning code, Faculty will perform a live demonstration on how to draw a site plan. The purpose of this session is to show participants how to determine the buildable area and parking requirements for their project assuming no variances. Participants will learn how to read a zoning code and translate it to a site plan.

Sprint Homework:

Zoom Session(s) 1B

Coaching: Practice Site Plan Review Faculty will host one-on-one sessions with participants to review their site plans. Faculty can flag problems, coach on drawing techniques or calculations, or help them with zoning interpretation.