May 8, 2020


Re: Enbridge Gas Inc. (Enbridge Gas)  Ontario Energy Board (Board) File No.: EB-2020-0094 Harmonized System Expansion Surcharge, Temporary Connection Surcharge and Hourly Allocation Factor

Dear Ms. Long:

Please find enclosed an application and pre-filed evidence from Enbridge Gas seeking Please Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 approval under Section 36 of the of the following:

The Company is also seeking approval of an Hourly Allocation Factor (“HAF”) to be applied in the economic feasibility calculation of future Development Projects consistent with the E.B.O.188 Guidelines. Capitalized terms used above have the meanings ascribed to those terms in the enclosed application and evidence.

The SES, TCS, and HAF that are the subjects of this application are required to provide consistency between the EGD and Union rate zones. In addition, it will allow Enbridge Gas to accommodate the anticipated demand for future expansion projects without having to seek Board approval on a project specific basis.

Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions.

Yours truly,

(Original Signed)

Rakesh Torul Technical Manager, Regulatory Applications

cc: Tania Persad, Sr. Legal Counsel