Item No. 7.1.4
Enbridge Gas Inc. has applied for approval of a System Expansion Surcharge, a Temporary Connection Surcharge and an Hourly Allocation Factor. The surcharges are used to recover the costs of natural gas expansion projects and the allocation factor is used to assess feasibility of projects.
Learn more. Have your say.
Enbridge Gas Inc. has applied to the Ontario Energy Board for the following approvals:
• A System Expansion Surcharge of $0.23 per m3 , for all future "Community Expansion Projects" – i.e. projects that expand the natural gas system to provide gas service to a minimum of 50 first-time users. If approved, the surcharge would primarily apply to first-time small volume customers in the project area and for a period of up to 40 years. Larger volume customers would have the option to pay the surcharge or negotiate another method of contribution to the capital costs for the project.
• A Temporary Connection Surcharge of $0.23 per m3 for all future smaller expansion projects – i.e. projects involving the extension of mains and related service attachments to fewer than 50 first-time users, as well as service lines to individual customers installed on pre-existing mains. If approved, the surcharge would apply to first-time small volume customers for a period of up to 20 years instead of paying up front for the capital costs of the connection. Larger volume customers would have the option to pay the surcharge or negotiate another method of contribution to the capital costs for the project.
• An Hourly Allocation Factor to allocate capital costs of future development projects to customers for the purposes of conducting economic feasibility analysis.
Enbridge Gas Inc. is also proposing to make related changes to rate schedules and feasibility policies, necessary to harmonize the surcharges and provide consistency between the former Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. and former Union Gas Limited rate zones.
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) will hold a public hearing to consider the application filed by Enbridge Gas. During the hearing, we will question Enbridge Gas and we will also hear questions and arguments from individuals that have registered to participate (called intervenors) in the OEB's hearing. At the end of this hearing, the OEB will decide whether to approve the application.
The OEB is an independent and impartial public agency. We make decisions that serve the public interest. Our goal is to promote a financially viable and efficient energy sector that provides you with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost.
You have the right to information regarding this application and to be involved in the process.
- You can review Enbridge Gas' application on the OEB's website now
- You can file a letter with your comments, which will be considered during the hearing
- You can become an intervenor. As an intervenor you can ask questions about Enbridge Gas' application and make arguments on whether the OEB should approve Enbridge Gas' request. Apply by June 9, 2020 or the hearing will go ahead without you and you will not receive any further notice of the proceeding
- At the end of the process, you can review the OEB's decision and its reasons on our website
Our file number for this case is EB-2020-0094. To learn more about this hearing, find instructions on how to file a letter with your comments or become an intervenor, or to access any document related to this case, please enter the file number EB-2020-0094 on the OEB website: You can also phone our Consumer Relations Centre at 1-877-632-2727 with any questions.
There are two types of OEB hearings – oral and written. Enbridge Gas has applied for a written hearing. The OEB will determine at a later date whether to proceed by way of a written or oral hearing. If you think an oral hearing is needed, you can write to the OEB to explain why by June 9, 2020.
If you write a letter of comment, your name and the content of your letter will be put on the public record and the OEB website. However, your personal telephone number, home address and email address will be removed. If you are a business, all your information will remain public. If you apply to become an intervenor, all information will be public. This rate hearing will be held under section 36 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.15 Schedule B.